
Escaping the middle-income trap: "Industrial Policy for a New Growth Model: A toolbox for EU-CEE countries"

This study deals with the perspectives of industrial policies in Central Eastern and Southern Eastern Europe and the question how these countries can avoid to get stuck in a middle-income trap. The study has been authored by a team of experts from the Vienna Institute for International Economics on behalf of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

The study argues that the EU-CEE countries have so far lacked a systematic approach to industrial policy in their development trajectories. Today, the growth model of the EU-CEE countries must be made fit for the future. Decarbonisation, digitalisation and a shrinking labour force require massive efforts to be made. This transition can only be managed through huge public investments in green technologies and digitalisation, education and infrastructure, combined with the right conditions for private enterprise to thrive.

The study includes eleven country profiles that analyse the economic and industrial structures for their strengths and weaknesses and identify possible courses of action for an active industrial policy.

Industrial policy for a new growth model

Industrial policy for a new growth model

A toolbox for EU-CEE countries
Budapest, 2023

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European Economies of the East

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Dr. Ernst Hillebrand



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