European Economies of the East

About the project

With the “European Economies of the East”-programme, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung contributes to the debate on economic, industrial and technology policy in the Eastern member countries of the EU. During the last twenty years, these countries have become important pillars of the European economy. The task now is to develop this model further, so to continue the process of convergence of living conditions and productivity within Europe: People rightly have the expectation that similar living standards will be achieved throughout the continent.

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Latest Studies

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Economic and ecological issues are often very complex. Not everyone has the time to read lengthy studies. With the help of a series of "infographics", we try to visually condense these complex relationships and convey... More

Audios and videos

Audios and videos

Don't feel like reading? Some of the most important information of our studies and papers can be found here in audiovisual form, as videos and podcasts. More

Latest Blog News

Toward Innovation-driven Growth
| Blog, Publication

Toward Innovation-driven Growth

Innovation Systems and Policies in EU Member States of Central Eastern Europe


Industrial policy for a new growth model
05.05.2023 | Blog, Publication

Escaping the middle-income trap: "Industrial Policy for a New Growth Model: A toolbox for EU-CEE countries"

This study deals with the perspectives of industrial policies in Central Eastern and Southern Eastern Europe and the question how these countries can...


07.03.2023 | Blog

­Cleaner, Better, More Resilient

A debate on the necessary economic transformations in Germany and Europe




European Economies of the East

Office Address

Fővám tér 2-3
H-1056 Budapest

Project Coordination

Dr. Ernst Hillebrand

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Looking for more insights?

Future of Work

Future of Work

The goal of the FES Competence Centre on the Future of Work in Brussels is to promote the debate on the future of work by bringing progressive approaches into the forefront based on social democratic values.


Division for Analysis, Planning and Consulting

Division for Analysis, Planning and Consulting

The Division for Analysis, Planning and Consulting at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung sees itself as a sort of radar system mapping out the future and as an ‘ideas factory' for Social Democracy.


Climate and Social Justice

Climate and Social Justice

In 2021 the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung launched a competence center for Climate and Social Justice, based in Brussels. Climate and social policies must be two sides of the same European coin in the future.


IPS Journal

IPS Journal

IPS-Journal is a young magazine with a much older heritage. The online journal highlights global inequality and brings new perspectives on issues such as the environment, European integration, international relations, social democracy and development policy.
